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Hi, I'm alyssa

I'm a certified Life Purpose and Career Coach with tools and training that allow me to help you create instant and powerful shifts in your mindset, crack subconscious patterns that have ruled your behavior for as long as you can remember, and to positively impact the way you feel.


I'm also an NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) master practitioner, an adult educator, writer, and speaker. With degrees in psychology and education and a lifetime of holistic learning, I serve you by meeting you exactly where you are, asking tough questions, listening deeply, and helping you (as requested) with accountability to take specific steps toward what you want.


I believe that our feelings are here to guide us in this one precious life. I also know that with all that's on our plates, and all of the expectations we strive to meet daily, we tend to stop listening to ourselves.


I did exactly that.


Somewhere along the way as an international educator, a spouse, the mother of two young girls, cat mama, marathoner, long-distance auntie and relative, and workshop leader, I got really good at stuffing my own feelings. 


And I stayed stuck and unhappy for YEARS in a life that no longer felt like my own. 


It took the coinciding of multiple losses (What was that Oprah taught us about the universe whispering before hitting us with bricks?) for me to finally wake up - in a pile of grief - and decide that this life was too short for me to keep living a half awake, unfulfilled life that no longer felt meaningful. 


​The big challenge for me then was figuring out:


  • Well, what the heck else am I meant to be doing? 


  • How on earth am I supposed to figure this out now? 

I see you because I was you 

The hardest parts about "waking up," for me, were:


1) Realizing that I couldn't bring the version of me who stuffed her feelings, ignored her body, and worked herself into the ground on a career and life pivot that would turn out beautifully.


2) I had no flipping idea how to start digging deeply into my soul to figure out what I actually wanted or what else I could even do well enough to earn an awesome living. 


The first part (the feelings and habits part), I worked myself through.

(It was all about small habits for me. And acceptance and compassion, which was the hardest.)


But for that second part (soul purpose and calling), thankfully, I found myself a coach



my mission


Nothing fires me up more than helping professional women who are feeling trapped in a job they hate to remember that they can rewrite their own story, lean into possibilities, find and articulate their unique brilliance, and confidently create true fulfillment and meaning in their careers and lives. 


I want all women (who may have forgotten) to relearn how to trust in themselves and to consistently cultivate the clarity they need to pivot to lives and work of meaning, impact, or freedom. I want them to hold in their hot little hands a clear vision and plan with the steps, the skills, and the tools they need to create the professional (and personal) changes they so desperately desire.


To answer our own calling is a privilege I believe we ALL deserve.

It is why we are here. 

In case you needed to hear it:

This world is ready for you to evolve into the next powerful version of yourself.

One more vibrant than you ever imagined. One who wouldn't be

evolving now, had she not given herself permission to pivot.


And I'm here to help you do exactly that. 

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