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work with me

i wanna know...

âžœ Are you a driven woman who did everything "right" but still feels dissatisfied with her work?  


➜ Do you feel a deep sense of urgency to find purpose in your work and life, yet you refuse to rush a decision as big as this one? ​


âžœ Have your “power through it” habits started falling short in your current position? Do you see burnout on your horizon?​


âžœ Maybe you've known for months that some sort of career change is looming, but you don’t know where to start, so you avoid it altogether, and now it's eating away at your usually positive vibe?

➜ Are you telling yourself that a change "this late" in the game is unwise, selfish, or the same as starting over


âžœ Is imposter syndrome shutting you down when you begin to get excited about new opportunities? 


âžœ Are you struggling to figure out how to do work and live a life that feels more authentically YOU?


If this is you...


What's a Curiosity call?

A curiosity call is a completely free call. We’ll discuss:

  • the obstacles you're facing right now and how you find yourself showing up in those

  • your career and life dreams

  • what aspects of holistic life fulfillment you're missing

  • potential skill gaps ideas to help you take the first steps toward filling them 


Expect me to: 

  • listen deeply,

  • ask lots of questions,

  • and lay out an overview of what your highly customized plan (using my signature framework as the backbone) could look like

  • explain how structure AND adaptability within my program will blend to take you, step by step, from your place of indecision or frustration to inspiration and excitement. 


You'll leave this call feeling lighter and ready to take the first few steps toward fulfillment as soon as you put down your phone. 

what, exactly, is coaching?

Coaching is a transformational process that bridges the gap between where you are now and where you want to be. As your certified coach, I will ask you challenging and thought-provoking questions to allow you to uncover answers that are within youThe best coaches will never tell you what to do. 


With my support, you’ll finally cut through indecision, imposter syndrome, and overwhelm. You will get crystal clear on your goals, and start working strategically (and creatively!) to build your path to career and life fulfillment. You'll be treated with deep respect as the author and single true expert of your life. 


Accountability and empathy drive our conversions as we embrace the process of healing old patterns and habits that no longer serve you. It’s about compassionately holding you accountable for creating the next-level career and life that you are so worthy of living. 


why me? 

It's not my training and degrees that set me apart, it’s my life experience of being a courageous change-maker (and responsibility-taker) despite persistent fear and anxiety that tempted me to play small, keep others happy, and follow their rules. I see you because I understand you. I also know that all of our life changes aren't ones we choose.


Multiple life transitions came together to change the course of my life not too long ago. I unexpectedly and suddenly lost my mother within two months of ending my ten-year marriage, while living a world away in South Korea. As a super-driven (recovering) perfectionist and leader suddenly thrust into single parenthood (in a foreign country), I quickly realized my usual strategy of powering through obstacles wouldn't do it for me anymore.


I had to find a new approach. And I did so through an intense self-audit, receiving coaching, keeping an open mind, and taking consistent, imperfect action. Today, I revel in a purposeful life filled with joy and possibility. Love, not fear, drives me forward, motivating and inspiring me daily. You deserve this very thing, too, and I can't wait to help you claim it!

how does this work?

I'm currently offering 1:1 coaching sessions through my signature program for highly motivated clients. We meet weekly for one-to-one Zoom sessions, and an additional scheduled check-in by text is available if desired. Starting with a powerful Breakthrough Call, we’ll dive deep together as you envision the career and life of your dreams. We’ll identify strategic goals that fit your unique path and needs, and after that call, you’ll take small, consistent steps toward them each week.


You will also benefit from tailored accountability to fit exactly what you need each week. You determine the amount and type of support that you need, and I will flex to meet you exactly there. You’ll do work outside of our sessions that you deeply desire to do and when you come across new obstacles, we’ll tackle them along the way - as a team. 

size up your journey:

- 3 months?

- 6 months

Be guided through the stages at your happy pace

  choose the pivot or the fulfillment path (The Reckoning)

experience transformational career & life change

After your curiosity call, expect to...

my signature program

Pivot: Get clear, get confident, claim career fulfillment

(How to finally figure out your freaking calling and
love your updated path in life & work)

I believe there is no ONE path for you in this lifetime. And there is certainly no "one size fits all" approach to the deeply personal work that I do. One aspect of PIVOT that puts new clients at ease is knowing that we never assume career change is the only answer. We'll uncover what you most desire, where you shine, exactly what you need in order to feel fulfilled, and then work to help you reach your decision and make your transformational changes happen.





There are two "places" on their career fulfillment journey where women typically meet me: 










​​During our Curiosity Call, we'll determine whether the 3 month option or the 6 month option is better suited to your personal situation. ​Everyone starts with similar foundational intake steps, but by the time we're a third of the way in, we're getting close to what we call "The Reckoning" where clients make another key decision. ​They will either head down the career pivot path or the fulfillment path. Sometimes it's simply tweaks, the addition of strategic projects or volunteer work, or even the need to set boundaries that's most interfering with one's fulfillment. Regardless of the path chosen, clients will be catalyzing a transformational change that will light up their life again. 


I am here to serve as YOUR rock and companion. I’ll help you to find career clarity, get focused, create lasting change, and strategically more forward to career fulfillment with confidence.

There's definitely a "choose your own adventure" sort of vibe to this program.
our clients love it.

I don't know what's next career-wise! I may never have allowed myself to really dream of circumstances beyond what I'm currently living. 

I think I know how I'd like to pivot my career, 
but I'd really love reliable guidance, accountability, and encouragement along the way. 

client Headspace #1
(Clients here typically choose the 6-month option.) 

client Headspace #2
(Clients here typically choose the 3-month option.) 

(Dive in with

Expect the first 1-4 sessions to be devoted to this crucial (and all-too-often skipped) phase of our career work together. We’ll do a deep dive into YOU. You’ll become well-versed in your biggest assets and skills and the unique values that guide your life and decisions (what matters most to you).

You'll begin to see how your work and your personal life are inextricably linked and identify ways your true self shines through regardless of your settings. (We call this your core nature.)

We'll face and replace any initial underlying assumptions that have been holding you back in your professional or personal growth and help you to cultivate admiration, appreciation, and compassion for yourself as a beautiful, courageous, human work-in-progress.

Step 1: Our First Deep Dive​

Step 2: What Drives You?​

Step 3: Articulate Your "Snowflake Factor" and Clear the Path for Peace​

Step 4: Own Your Power​

(Cultivate your own clarity)

In this phase, you will begin to feel the sweet relief of decision sweeping over you. With the help of my most trusted tools and your own reflections, you'll face your own "reckoning point" and decide whether you will change careers or take another fulfillment path to strategically enhance your life.  
If you choose to pivot professionally, you will begin exploring and researching purposeful career possibilities that are aligned to your skills, desires, and values.
If you choose a different fulfillment path, this becomes highly tailored to your specifically-identified desires, and always begins with envisioning, short and long-term goal-setting, and taking supported action steps toward living in alignment with your values. 

Step 5: Your Core Career Needs & Job Fulfillment 101
Step 6: The Reckoning: Decision Time â€‹

Step 7: Identify Potential Pivot Paths​
Step 8: Stay Rooted in Research

(Co-create with Courage)

In our final phase of our work together, your reality will shift before your eyes. We’ll lean into your resourcefulness, strategize instead of spinning wheels, and set you up with habits to help you land more targeted conversations with the right people. You'll save months of time and stress.
As desired, I will support you with accountability, encouragement, and strategy tweaks. We'll also address newly arising mindset obstacles (hello, imposter syndrome!) that interfere with your progress.

Even if your job isn't landed within our time together, your vision, articulation, and strategy will be on point - and you'll be calling me soon to say, "I've landed the position that matches my purpose, Alyssa!"

Step 9: Narrow Your Focus & Envisioning

Step 10: Get Resourceful​

Step 11: Fine-tune Your Focus​

Step 12: Transition with Grace & Continued Growth​

an in-depth look at my signature program 

Pivot: Get Clear, Get Confident, Claim Career Fulfillment

What about the investment?


You might be thinking: Can I afford this?


What would it be worth to move from the stress of agonizing career fulfillment indecision or lack of vision to the peace of returning to your inner knowing and making moves?


What would it be worth to bust through anxiety about the future by moving, through small and strategic steps, toward what you now know you really want? 


What would it be worth to feel confident taking each imperfect step to your next career, project, or position, and to be able to articulate your value without flinching? 


What would it be worth to give yourself permission to pivot towards a professional and personal life that brings you both joy and purpose? 


My program is extremely affordable. And, without question, it will change the course of your life.


I also fully understand the stress that financial change can bring. To accommodate this, I’ve arranged payment plans for all budgets. 


I’m here to help you make actual shifts. And if, at any time, you feel unhappy with the results we achieve, no worries. We have a money-back guarantee for up to 30 days into your program. 


There is nothing to lose. (Except, of course, the indecision, stress, and pain you WANT to lose.)

my promise to you

Together, we will create YOUR unique plan to bridge the gap from a place of feeling stuck, anxious, and indecisive, to one of peace, clarity, and action. 


I promise you will leave each coaching session in a better headspace than you came in with. You will have more positive energy and feel motivated to boldly take your next step. 


You’ll smash long-held beliefs and patterns that get in your way when you’re making decisions. 


You’ll learn how to drop into your inner knowing when deciding whether it’s time to dig in or make a move. 


You’ll complete my program having achieved total clarity around your biggest obstacle, with a decision made out of love (instead of fear).


You will have a transition planned (if applicable) and, if the timing is right, you will have carried it out.


You will feel deep peace and self-belief that grows from “doing the thing.” (And THAT will feel darned good. Believe me, I know.)


This investment in YOU and in the life you long to live will bring you: 


  • Clarity & confidence: You’ll make decisions on what is right for you and you will move on them.​

  • Less stress: Once you finally know what it is you want or need, the relief you feel will be immense.​

  • Peace: When you know how to access your inner knowing, the once crippling indecisiveness and overthinking can’t take you down anymore. â€‹â€‹

  • Actual change: Once you know what you want, you will transform old beliefs and internal barriers that have held you back. You will return to yourself and your inner knowing and be held accountable to weekly goals you set for yourself. You will build that life of purpose and peace before your own eyes. 

you're here for a reason

NOW is the time, my friend. 


There are no accidents. You’ve made it this far because your soul is ready to move. You are not meant to stay in a perpetually painful, unhappy, or indecisive state at work. You are meant to live a life of purpose and fulfillment instead. This is how you will best serve others. 


Your feelings are your call to action.


We can finally figure out what’s in store in this next career chapter for you. We will create a crystal clear vision of your future and you’ll leave our Curiosity Call feeling bold and spacious.


Don’t fall into the trap of saying you’re not ready.


There will NEVER be a better time than now.


Today could be the day you talk about for years to come. The day you made your own power move and decided upon THE change that got you to the career and life you love and deserve. 


There is NOTHING to lose, except the version of yourself and stage in your career that you’re ready to say goodbye to, once and for all.


Book your Curiosity Call now. 


Stop overthinking. Start making moves.

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